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As a home-checked fosterer and member of PPBC, you get informed of dogs ‘in need’ of a foster placement. So, when a young dog needing an URGENT evacuation from a pound in Wales, comes up, what’s a girl (& her long-suffering husband) to do? It was the beginning of December and I was nearly seven months pregnant; we were living in the South East at the time. We made the (uncomfortable) journey West. Fortunately we didn’t quite have to make the last bit of the journey into Wales as the Senior PPBC ‘Admin’ and another volunteer from PPBC collected Jake and brought him to us before we crossed the border into foreign lands.
If you’ve never been right next to a pound-dog, you probably can’t appreciate what Jake smelt like. The ride home was a llllonggg one! Four hours; rain; the smell from the little pound dog; the smell from the car-sick pound dog. On the bright side, SatNav took us directly through the middle of London on this rainy, winters’ afternoon, so we (kind of) got to see the sights!
We made it home and the introduction between Jake and our dogs went well. He was a beautiful boy; sociable and kind towards people and playful and good natured with other dogs. He was skinny and smelly but hey, we could fix those issues! Yes, he was a bit excitable and a little scatty, but hey, he was a young border collie (with lots of naughty spots!). In no time at all, we had people expressing an interest in the lovely spotty boy. All we knew about him was that his owner handed him into the pound because she was expecting a baby. What a lot of people don’t know is that dog pounds all across the UK put dogs to sleep on a daily basis. There just isn’t the space for all the unwanted dogs in this, our country of animal-lovers. Jake was handed in just before Christmas which is the busiest part of the year in dog-rescue. If PPBC hadn’t taken him in and there had been no foster space for him, he would have been euthanized. After lots of years around rescue dogs, I still struggle to comprehend how a wonderful, kind dog like this could end up on the verge of having his life ended. It’s truly heart-breaking for all those lovely dogs like him who aren’t lucky enough to have a lifeline from a charity like PPBC.
Knowing that his fate could’ve been very different made us feel more responsible and almost more determined to secure his ‘happy ever after’. Of course, tears were shed when we said goodbye, but there were happy tears too; and tears of relief for him. Unsurprisingly, Jake found the lovely home he deserved. If you check out his Facebook page, you can see what he’s up to these days! We love watching him living the life he deserves and seeing him so loved.
Jake’s Foster Mum, Karen
I learnt about PPBC through Karen when I worked with her. She would occasionally bring her foster dogs to work. That’s how I met and fell in love with Jake.
I’d already had my other rescue dog for a year at this point. She’s a patterdale terrier called Beti, who was a working dog, abandoned in a field when she could no longer work or breed.
I was looking for some company for Beti and a dog who could show her how to be a dog (she wouldn’t play with toys and wasn’t sure about mutt lingo).
Karen and I arranged a play date for the pair and they hit it off straight away. SO much so, they both needed a full day to recover!
I was in the process of moving so PPBC suggested we get settled before processes the adoption paperwork, and since getting to know Jake, this was definitely the right move for him. We were going to be his 5th place to live in the 9 months he’d been alive.
Since the adoption process was completed (and it’s really simple and easy to do – a little paperwork and a home visit) and picking Jake up from Karen’s, my husband and I have never looked back.
I read things here and there about people being put off once they hear the recue dog is a pound dog, but, if anything, I feel Jake’s start in life has made him the most loving dog I know.
Jake’s over ruling trait is he has a sensitive soul. He hates loud noises but is always reassured by my husband and I’s presence. If it gets too much (like on bonfire night) he finds confined spaces very comforting (usually under our bed). We are working on his confidence but it will take time and patience.
I wouldn’t change his sensitivity for the world. It makes him understanding of others. He’s patient when Beti tries to play (she’s still getting the hang of it) and he’s amazing with little dogs. A friend has a rescue Shih tzu has only ever played with Jake!
His favourite thing in the world to do (except hug) is to go for long runs in the countryside with my husband. He loves to say hi to all the people they meet and they always say he’s the happiest/friendliest dog they’ve ever met. Even at his annual booster trip to the vets, the staff were taken aback by how happy he was to see them, even during, and after, the injection!
Who could ask for a better furry friend or shining example of a rescue dog?
Natalie, Jake's Mummy