We need the support of people just like you.
Without your help, we cannot continue our important work - please make a donation today.
Regular payments, or just a one off, it all helps
Bid & Buy Shop
Click on the picture and see what’s in our shop
PPBC Bid & Buy Charity Group is where an item which is new or good quality can be offered to Auction,to be run for 2 weeks Or placed with a bid now price. All postage costs to be added into posts. Have a look or maybe place an item to Bid on or Buy in the shop. All proceeds go to Protecting Preloved Border Collies to help dogs in need
Amazon Wish List
Add something to your basket to help our dogs
Please help support Protecting Preloved Border Collies by shopping online.
There are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.
Every time you shop via easyfundraising the retailer will make a donation to Protecting Preloved Border Collies at no extra cost to you!
Find out more click on the poster or download the App
If you are having a clear out whilst at home during lock down and unable to donate to your local charity shop as they are closed this is a great way to put your unwanted items on eBay and then donate a percentage to Protecting Preloved Border Collies.
eBay do not charge a sellers fee on the donated amount and you can donate from 15% to 100% of the sale price of your item to PPBC. If you click on the logo you can find out all of the info on how it works.
Thank you all for supporting Protecting Preloved Border Collies.
Pets at Home
You can support PPBC whenever you shop at Pets at Home in store or on line? Just register your VIP (Very Important Pet) Click on the card to join.
When you register make Cross Hands your Home Store & Protecting Preloved Border Collies your chosen charity. If you’re already a member please update your profile.
Whenever you use your VIP card you earn lifelines for your chosen charity and every three months Pets at Home send us vouchers that we can use to help border collies in our care.
You will also receive vouchers & special offers to help pamper your own pets.